
1. How have Radio and Broadcasting been used in Education?

Lesson 7: Evaluation of Technology Learning

Apply the 4 Ds through project - based activity.

Give flesh to the new taxonomy of skills by specific examples.

Lesson 6: Show by way of graphic art illustration the six digital fluencies, adding textual information to support each fluency.

Prepare a grid chart differentiating the past 30 - years old generation and the new digital generations.

Lesson 5: In small groups, assess and report your perception / experience (good and non - good) of the Facebook Social media.

Lesson 4: Read and write a paragraph essay of one aspect of radical changes in Alvin Toffler's book Future Shock.

Differentiate 30 years ago and the new millennial generation using words / phrases.

How many feel they should support and stride along the information technology revolution?

Lesson 3: How many in the group think they belong in the technology or digital generation?

Do you think there are many user of Educational Website?