1. Technology Boon or Bane
- The students can interpret technology a boon or bane.
2. Roles of Educational Technology in Learning
- The students can identify the roles of educational technology in learning.
3. Systematic Approach to Teaching
- The students can enumerate the elements of systematic approach in teaching.
4. Cone of Experience
- The students can define the cone of experience;
- The students can enumerate the sensory aids in the cone of experience.
5. Using and Evaluating Instructional Materials
- The students can cite guidelines that should be considered in the selection and use of instructional materials.
6. Direct, Purposeful Experiences and Beyond
- The students can distinguished where should these direct, purposeful experience lead the learner for meaningful learning.
7. Teaching with Contrived Experiences
- The students can defined contrived experiences;
- The students can distinguish varied types of contrived experiences.
8. Teaching with Dramatized Experiences
- The students can compare what do these dramatic experiences include.
9. Demonstration in Teaching
- The students can explore the techniques and strategies in making a demonstration work.
10. Making the Most of Community Resources and Field Trips
- The students can predict procedures and criteria that must be observed in planning and conducting field trips.
11. The Power of Film, Video and Television in the Classroom
- The students can discover how powerful the film, video and television in the classroom;
- The students can identify the disadvantages or limitations of the use of television.
12. Teaching with Visual Symbols
- The students can classify the instructional materials fall under a category;
- The students can categorized the examples of each visual symbols.
13. Maximizing the Use of Overhead Projector and Chalkboard
- The students can create techniques which could help maximize the use of the overhead projector and the chalkboard.
14. Project - Based Learning and Multimedia
- The students can judge the disadvantages of the use of project - based learning and multimedia learning.
15. Using the Project - Based Multimedia as a Teaching - Learning Strategies
- The students can give the steps involved in the use of project- based learning and multimedia learning.
16. Assessment in Constructivist, Technology - Supported Learning
- The students can identify which form of assessment fits a constructivist technology - supported learning environment.
17. Roles and Functions of an Educational Media Center
- The students can enumerate the roles and functions of an educational media center perform to serve the teaching - learning process.
Overall, Educational Technology 1 helps student to familiarized on how educational technology can be utilized as media for the teaching - learning process in the school. Improved students learning through the use of learning technology. Students can apply their skills in planning, designing, using and evaluating the technology - enriched teaching - learning process.
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